Thursday, June 14, 2012

City of Fallen Angels, Book Four of Mortal Instruments, by Cassandra Clare

City of Fallen Angels
Book Four of  Mortal Instruments
Written by Cassandra Clare

“L'amor che move il sole e l'altre stelle.
"It means that love is the most powerful force in the world. That love can do anything.”
-- Jace, City of Fallen Angels, Book Four of Mortal Instruments, written by Cassandra Clare.

Well, I had to get this one on audio because it wasn't immediately available in book form and I just could not wait that long to read it. If you haven't read the other Mortal Instruments books, stop here and go back to the first review of the first book or you're going to have some major spoilers.

Well, I knew that after all that happened with Valentine, and his death, things wouldn't be that easy for Clary and Jace who suddenly were free to date since they now knew they weren't siblings. This romance has been such a roller coaster that I had no doubts that although, on the outside, everything seemed better--villains dead, downworlders and the Clave working together, etc.--Jace and Clary's romance had been too fraught with obstacles to suddenly be picture perfect. I, along with all the other avid readers, had been rooting for Jace and Clary to figure out a way to be together despite the seemingly insurmountable issues that they faced, even though their romance seemed pretty jacked up.

So, no surprise, Jace and Clary are going to have to get through some major twists and turns again in this portion of the story. And since there are two more books to come, it may be awhile before we get to see them enjoy some drama free existence; after all, that is part of the charm of the series. I will tell you that Simon plays a pretty big role in this book and that some of the most brilliant writing so far that I've seen from Clare so far involves his character in this book. The fact that she's still surprising me and that the characters are still surprising me after four books is just astounding. I have read so many talented authors this year, but this series has definitely been one of my absolute favorites.

If you've read the first three Mortal Instruments, then you really didn't need this review to know you would enjoy this, the fourth book in the series. If you have stuck with it thus far, you're like me, addicted to the story of Jace and Clary. So go enjoy City of Fallen Angels, and then City of Lost Souls. Unfortunately, we'll have to wait until September of 2013 to read the final installment of this series, City of Heavenly Fire.

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